See the Things you shouldn't do to get a glowing skin. (Don'ts)

By Olamide Noble
16th November, 2019

+ Don’t Use Multiple Cosmetic Products: You may get carried away and buy a lot of cosmetic products. These products are formulated with chemicals and can prove detrimental to your skin. Continuous usage can lead to loss of the natural radiance of your skin.

+ Don’t Use Chemical Face Packs: Today, the market is flooded with a host of chemically formulated face packs. Regular use of these products can be harmful to your skin.

+ Don’t Touch Your Face Excessively: Your hands carry a large number of bacteria. Touching your face frequently to pick on blackheads or whiteheads can transfer the bacteria to your face. This, in turn, leads to acne and skin irritation.

+ Don’t Smoke: Regular smoking also has an adverse effect on your skin. It can cause dullness of skin and give it an aged appearance.

+ Don’t Wash Your Face Often: While washing your face for cleansing is a good step to maintain healthy skin, excessive cleansing can strip it of its natural moisture and oils. This can make your skin look dull and dry.


Don'ts of a glowing skin

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