Check out 2019 Best Color Combination Of Wears That Will Leave People Stiring. (Part 4)

By Olamide Noble
15th November, 2019

1. Sky Blue &  White Evokes

The relaxed, tranquil combo of Sky Blue and white evokes images of fluffy clouds passing through a clear blue sky. Sky Blue is a color of openness, honesty and respectability.

A pure white hue only serves to enhance the feeling it creates. There are few colors that don’t work well with white, and Sky Blue is up there with the best.

It’s professional, sophisticated and laid back at the same time. It’s a color combination that doesn’t demand too much attention and because of that, it rarely looks out of place.

2. Dusky Citron & Cool Grey

Dusky Citron and Cool Gray serve up an alternative version of the classic gold and silver color combination. Dusky Citron is a beautiful pale tone of gold that exudes class and sophistication.

Citron is a large yellow-gold citrus fruit that was one of the original fruits in the genus. Citrus fruits are known for being refreshing and thirst-quenching, which helps give this combination a stimulating effect that more severe gold and silvers couldn’t achieve.

Cool Gray fulfils the role of silver here, and while it’s essentially your standard gray, it has enough of a delicate silver look about it to create a sense of grace and elegance.

3. Black & Orange.

A strong black is combined with a fun and positive shade of orange. Dark and light colors can work very well if mixed correctly and few look as well together as black and orange. Orange acts like an illuminating spotlight in the pitch black night.

It’s a bold and eye-catching color combination that oozes contemporary style. Black is sincere and practical, but orange is full of creativity and exuberance.

Like black and yellow, black and orange is often used in roadside signs to make them more noticeable and legible.

4. Brown Sugar & Beige.

Brown Sugar and beige are a delightful combination of colors; envisage cosy brown leather sofas and walls painted a calm shade of beige. It’s one of those color combinations that’s ideally suited for creating interior design that makes you feel comfortable and warm.

It’s relaxed, reassuring and exudes a certain maturity that is hard to replicate. Brown is typically a wholesome, stable color, while beige is dependable and calm, so naturally they are two colors that go together well.

It’s easy to imagine Brown Sugar being the outer coating of a chocolate bar and then biting into the bar to reveal a delicious beige inside.

5. Turkish Sea & Silver

Discover some amazing underwater treasure in the form of silver submerged in Turkish Sea. Silver is perhaps not the most likely of color combinations with blue, but in this case it works brilliantly.

As far as business-related color combinations go, Turkish Sea and silver have the potential to be up there with the very best. The assured professionalism that blue brings is complemented by a classy shade of silver.

Blue and silver are both also symbols of providence and trust, which are exactly what businesses want their customers to associate them with.

The End

Part 5 coming...


Eye Catching Colors

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